The Best Management Practices (BMP) Committee is primarily responsible for building a menu of BMPs that are expected to result in water quality improvements and restoration. BMPs include schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce nutrient loading to the Reedy River. The committee requirements and goals are:
- Identify menu of BMPs that are expected to result in water quality improvements and restoration.
- An estimate of the load reductions expected from each BMP
- Prioritize performance, cost, and implementation
- Real world proof and performance
- Evaluate pre- and post-implementation of Huff Creek 319 BMP installation (monitoring committee coordination)
- Inventory of restoration activities that have already occurred
- Evaluate effectiveness of restoration activities in place
- Effectively monitor and evaluate installation or implementation of future BMPs as they are executed
- Provide capital and operations and maintenance costs to economic impact committee