Over the last four years, Upstate Forever has coordinated with landowners and farmers in Walnut Creek, a Reedy River subwatershed near Ware Shoals, to complete on-the-ground projects that improve local water quality such as fencing cattle out of streams, providing alternate water sources for farm animals, and replacing failing septic tanks. In total, Upstate Forever assisted in the completion of eight agricultural conservation projects and repaired seven septic systems, which will help prevent an estimated 13,000 pounds of nitrogen, 3,000 pounds of phosphorus, 2,000 tons sediment, and 18 trillion colony-forming units of bacteria from draining to Lake Greenwood each year.
Projects such as these have helped bring phosphorus levels in the lake below the state standard! They will also result in a reduction in the amount of bacteria and nutrients in the Reedy River and Lake Greenwood, making them safer for recreation. While we are excited about this great victory for water quality in Lake Greenwood, one of the Upstate’s crown jewels, nitrogen levels have increased and high levels of bacteria persist. Upstate Forever will continue to work with our conservation partners to implement innovative solutions to tackle these issues and improve water quality in our local rivers and lakes.
(Article courtesy Upstate Forever Update)